Altering my relationship with food!

I often joke with friends and family that I am getting ready to embark on diet number 1 million and something, because the truth is that I have unsuccessfully embarked on one new diet or another more times that I care to acknowledge. So this year, as part of my alter my life initiative, I am not planning to diet; instead, my plan is to completely alter my relationship with food.

Gary Taubes books make the most sense to me. Deep down I know that losing my extra pounds is more complicated than just eating less and exercising more. In fact, I know from past experiences that letting myself get hungry is just setting myself up for failure—-that what I eat and when matters way more than how much I eat. I know I must drastically cut down my intake of carbs and sugar, that controlling my insulin will be key. It is hard to do, though, so I need a plan. Over the next couple of weeks, I am going to work hard on developing a simple daily/weekly food plan tailored for me that I can put into action for months and years, not days or weeks. Stay tuned. I will report back.


I spent the week before New Year’s at the beach. My nephew found a piece of sea glass on the beach with the word “redemption” on it. It seemed to be a sign for my new blog.

How do I alter my life? Every year I seem to be in the same old place, making the same old promises to myself that I never keep. How can I alter this? How do I form new healthy habits, while quitting the bad ones that are keeping me stuck?

Great advice is plentiful and easy to find, especially this time of year. We all know we need to eat less and move more. We hear that decluttering will bring us JOY. We know we should spend less, and save more. We, or at least I, start each year with lofty goals, but can’t seem to accomplish them. Hell, they are generally discarded before the end of January. How does one stop doing the same damn things, getting the same results? How do I alter my life for the better? That is my question. Altering my life for the better is my goal. I’ve started this blog to hold me accountable. It is time to go big, or go home!!